Dynamic Rhythms
These photographs are a dialogue of rhythmic forms in nature and man made structures. Sometimes the focus is colour, geometry, or the interplay between Nature and Humankind.


Waiting -(Ref Peter Burke)


Making Tracks

Meanwhile in the Forest

Orange House

Goodbye Old Friend

Touch the Sky

Looking Back

Purple Haze 1

Purple Haze 2

Chasing Waves

Bluebells in a Rush

Blue hits Green

A kind of Blue


Natural Sculpture

Natural Sculpture 2

Natural Sculpture 3


Spiders Halloween

Spiders Halloween 2

Crowd Control


Drum kit sunbathing in the garden

Fontaine la nuit

Who,s at the door

Ship Skeleton

Hot Tree

Fading summer shadows

Shoal of Umbrellas
Tree Trunk Images
Reflections on a Winters Day
Good night !
Happy Holiday 1954